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I teach an ePortfolio course each semester. This class is designed to provide students with the resources needed to effectively demonstrate and showcase their time at University through the development of an electronic portfolio (or ePortfolio). An ePortfolio is a robust website for students to share the highlights of their collegiate career with an audience of their choosing. This audience may include faculty letter writers, employers, and graduate school admission committee members.


Creating an ePortfolio allows students to reflect upon their education, enabling them to take the time to connect the dots of their academic experience. Typically, an ePortfolio includes a student’s academic work, research, leadership, service, employment history, and professional plans. It enables students to showcase their accomplishments as undergraduates, and provides a digital platform for demonstrating why they have chosen a particular career path.



The ePortfolio class is an introduction into creating a website for academic and professional use. Upon taking the course, students should demonstrate an understanding of how to:


  • define goals, objectives, and an audience for a website;

  • develop and organize a website that adheres to intended goals and audience;

  • draft content and showcase evidence of work that is relatable to intended audience;

  • execute an integrated aesthetic when designing for the web;

  • adhere to issues of usability and accessibility for 21st century web users; and

  • use an online platform for web development.


By building an ePortfolio, students connect their academic, professional, and co-curricular experiences, which informs their future endeavors.
Developing ePortfolios is an ideal way for students to hone 21st century skills and utilize Web 2.0 tools.
Although the websites students create are for learning, ePortfolios are also a dynamic tool for seeking employment and to share with employers.
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